Here are the four principles we use at Logan Leadership that form the basic approach to how we go about developing resources:

Principle-based: Certain things are timeless: the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in his church, the great commission Jesus left us with, the light we are to bring to the people around us. These basics form the heart of all we do as the church. Methods come and go. The underlying principles and goals are what really matters.

Contextualized: Whether it’s making the vocabulary choices that will speak to your people or finding the right medium to present the material, we always, always, always adapt to your ministry context. We keep in mind your goals, your people, and your theological/denominational tradition.

Just-in-time: There’s so much out there that sometimes the challenge is finding what you need right now at this stage in your ministry. Different stages of ministry require us to focus on different skills and needs. We can’t do everything at once. So the question becomes, “What is God calling us to focus on right now?”

Outcome-driven: Any resource should do more than inspire or inform; it should move us toward action. The sign of a good resource is results in the desired area, and that’s what we keep in mind at Logan Leadership when we help you develop them.