Developing, Uncategorized
Your congregation is filled with people God wants to use in powerful ways. Sometimes that reality may be hard for you to see from your vantage point, but God brought these particular people to you to nurture and develop holistically for his purpose. But here’s the...
Developing, Leadership, Teambuilding
When you need a ministry role filled, it’s easy to get hung up on finding someone who checks all the boxes. You might be looking for a three-in-one ministry leader. Take the example of a Sunday school ministry leader. To fill that role, you ideally want someone...
Church Development, Developing
Are you always looking for more volunteers? There are some faithful folks who diligently show up and help with everything. However, if you really want to see your ministry take off, you want everyone involved. Mobilizing people according to their spiritual gifts is...
Developing, Discipleship, Leadership, Prioritizing, Teambuilding
Admittedly, there is a tension between tasks and callings. If you have people you are overseeing, you likely do have certain tasks you need to get accomplished. They also likely have their own callings that dovetail with yours in some ways but not in others. Often...
Church Development, Developing, Leadership, Prioritizing, Training
A sailor adrift is an uneasy sailor. He is stuck far from shore and without wind or motor, moving in an intentional direction is impossible. There is no cooling breeze to take the edge off of the blazing sun. The longer he is adrift the more purposeless he feels and...
Coaching, Developing, Networking
When most people think about coaching, they think about one-on-one conversations or one-on-one relationships. Although that’s how it’s most commonly done, it’s far from the only way coaching can be effective. In fact, bringing others who are similarly invested...