train your leadersDo you want to develop new leaders from within your own ministry? Do you see people who have potential, but you’re not sure how to train them to reach their optimal effectiveness? Do you want an approach to developing leaders that is clear and substantive– yet at the same time flexible and relational?

How would you like a concrete way to train the people you oversee in crucial leadership skills? We have a set of guides to help you do precisely that in an interactive small group setting: The Leadership Skills Guides.

We have the following six-volume set to train your leaders in each of these areas:

That’s a total of 37 individual lessons you can work through alongside those you’re training, each focusing on a specific ministry skill. For example, if you opened the volume on Organizational Development, you’d see these lessons:

  • Leadership Skills Guides Set of SixClarifying values, mission and vision: knowing what you’re aiming for as you move in new directions
  • Vision-casting: painting a picture of a preferred future in a way that helps others see what it could look like
  • Gaining ownership: helping people get on board with the direction you’re leading
  • Prioritizing: generating multiple options and then prayerfully deciding which to pursue
  • Goal-setting: establishing goals that are helpful, realistic and challenging
  • Planning: creating strategic plans that will achieve the desired ends
  • Modifying: evaluating progress and making adjustments for greater effectiveness
  • Celebrating: publicly recognizing progress and contributions, and acknowledging how God has been at work

For each lesson, we provide an introduction to the topic to be read aloud, key teaching points for you to walk people through, relevant scripture passages, and coaching questions for discussion. If you and your group of leaders met once a week, you could work through The Organizational Development volume in 8 weeks, spending one week on each of the topics above.

Check out the full series in our store.

Photo by Stelios Kazazis on Unsplash