Contextualizing ministry for small towns

  By guest blogger Luke Geraty, pastor of Trinity Christian Fellowship in Stanley, Wisconsin. The longer I’ve been following Jesus, the more I see that he has the same heart for small towns that he has for big cities. The primary reason is that there are people...

Ministry longevity in small towns

  By guest blogger Luke Geraty, pastor of Trinity Christian Fellowship in Stanley, Wisconsin. I’ve been pastoring a church in the small town of Stanley, WI for almost 8 years now. I’m not the type of pastor you’d expect to find in small town Wisconsin. I’m 35,...

Big dreams in small places

  As part of my series on church planting and incarnational living in rural areas and small towns, I wanted to recommend a helpful resource. Tom Nebel’s book, Big Dreams in Small Places, focuses on the joys and challenges of church planting in smaller...

Churches without walls

  By guest blogger Ronnie Higuera , church planter and pastor. Ronnie is part of a network of leaders planting churches across small towns and rural areas. Yesterday Bob posted about the way Canyon View Vineyard Church, a large church in Grand Junction, Colorado,...

Coaching networks across the land

  I ran across a great example of an opportunity where a semi-independent sodalic ministry could be established. Recently I was doing a consultation with a group that was focused on small town and rural church planting within a particular region. My encouragement...