Leading through crisis well

Leading through crisis well

Are you looking for a breath of fresh air in the midst of all the intensity? How about some hope for the future and inspiration for leading through crisis well? Leadership in times of crisis requires being grounded and maintaining perspective. A key element of leading...
Who will succeed you?

Who will succeed you?

No matter who we are, none of us is indispensable. Yet many leaders have not put much time or thought into considering who else could step into our shoes in the event of sickness, death, or other unforeseen events. Reflect on your own situation. Who could take on your...
The 3 Rs of listening to the Holy Spirit

The 3 Rs of listening to the Holy Spirit

Whether you are part of a small group, a ministry team, a discipleship relationship or a coaching relationship, you will need to be intentional about listening to the Holy Spirit. That’s how we help others growth: not by telling them what to do but by listening to the...
Digging down to the roots of leadership problems

Digging down to the roots of leadership problems

Sometimes there’s a disconnect in ministry between what we say and what we do. For instance, I have always said compassion ministry is important– but the question is what am I personally doing to engage in it? So I began praying to ask the Lord for some...