Knowledge and action coming together

Knowledge and action coming together

Two characters, Rob and Jim, from my latest book discuss the issue of holistic discipleship as they try to lay out what the behavior of a disciple looks like in everyday life. How would you draw the diagram they’re talking through? Rob created a diagram of...

A diagram for change

  Sometimes if you want to see change, you need to change your assumptions about yourself and about your ministry. Take a look at the diagram below from Releasing Your Church’s Potential.   The upper right portion, transformational, is where change...

Developing a ministry flowchart

The purpose of a ministry flowchart is to diagram your overall strategy for achieving your mission. Diagramming your programs/ministry offerings will help you see the relationships among the areas. Here’s the process for creating a ministry flow chart: First, click...

Diagramming our priorities

Too much to do? Confused about what to do first? Let’s run through the process of taking stock of our lives as they currently are. Start by considering existing responsibilities and important relationships. Do we have children? A spouse? Aging parents? Health...