Coaching on sacred ground

I virtually always find coaching to be meaningful work. But then there are the times when God’s presence is just glaring. I was coaching a leader who was unsure of his agenda for our coaching session. He had just come out of a season of change and transition and it...

Thanks for the advice

My wife Janet does quite a bit of coach mentoring—that’s coaching coaches on their coaching. (How’s that for a mouthful?) The basic idea is that you coaches need a coach themselves—someone to help them continue to grow in their coaching skills. She just got a great...
Bob on YouTube!

Bob on YouTube!

A student taking a film class interviewed me on coaching for 45 minutes, then boiled it down to a 5-minute segment with some really great visual footage as well.  In the segment, I introduce some basic concepts of coaching and thought you might be interested in seeing...
A dream for the churches

A dream for the churches

I have a dream where churches are serving the world around us… not with an eye toward ourselves, our own growth, our reputation, our benefit, but with an eye outward: disinterested service that expects nothing in return. I have a dream that the Body of Christ would...

When God is at work, don’t mess it up

When you’re coaching someone and they say, “That’s a good question,” how should you respond? The correct answer is silence. When someone says, “That’s a good question,” it means the Holy Spirit has connected with them and what you need to do is nothing. Be silent and...
Baby steps in coaching

Baby steps in coaching

Let’s say you’re coaching someone in the area of spiritual formation. So far he’s had no intentional connection times with God at all. When he visualizes setting aside time to be with God, he’s thinking two hours a day of reflection on scripture. Many times people try...

Mapping the macro coaching relationship

The 5 Rs I referenced in yesterday’s blog entry (relate, reflect, refocus, resource and review) can also apply to the coaching relationship in a more macro sense. You build more of the relationship on the front end, you reflect to determine goals for the coaching...

Coaching too expensive? Try a triad

Plenty of ministry leaders would love a coaching relationship that helps them become more missional and grows them in their calling. But for many newer leaders, coaching can seem financially out of reach. As someone who has a heart for working with younger missional...