Renewing Church Staff Energy

Renewing Church Staff Energy

You ask for feedback at a staff meeting and get crickets. People are doing their job…but no more. There is a general lack of “team” amongst the staff. You’ve tried team building exercises and retreats, adjusting your goals, even bringing in a...
What no longer works—and what does

What no longer works—and what does

You are already living in the post-Christian era in the United States. It seems like it happened fast but you’ve likely been feeling the effects for a while. You know the love and peace of being reconciled to God through Jesus Christ but when you share what you...
Not all obstacles are obvious

Not all obstacles are obvious

If you’re a big-vision kind of leader, you know the excitement of getting people on board, excited, and moving together toward a vision. You also know you need to identify your obstacles beforehand so they don’t derail your plans. Identifying those obstacles and...
What’s positive about spiritual warfare? 

What’s positive about spiritual warfare? 

Spiritual warfare is a reality. We may use different images or metaphors to describe it—war certainly doesn’t work for everyone—but there’s a constant struggle in this life between the powers of good and the powers of evil. Ephesians 6:12: For our struggle is not...

How do I break the 80/20 ministry rule?

We all know the 80/20 ministry rule. An oft asked question that seeks to break this rule is often: “How can I get more people to do more of the ministry instead of leaving it all up to few to carry the load?” The Consumer Driven… Church? Asking how...
Using coaching skills in spiritual conversations

Using coaching skills in spiritual conversations

Does it feel like there is a lot to overcome in order to grow the church in today’s world? Mastering some key coaching skills could make all the difference in having fruitful spiritual conversations. How we unintentionally shut down spiritual conversations So...
Supervision and Coaching: Why Alignment Matters

Supervision and Coaching: Why Alignment Matters

I recently met with Ben Ingebretson, Director of Planting for the United Methodist and Moravian Churches and Author of the recently released PLANT LIKE JESUS: The Church Planters Devotional. I am excited to share his thoughts on the dynamic of supervision and coaching...
Lenten Series Week 6- Barnabas and Making Disciples

Lenten Series Week 6- Barnabas and Making Disciples

In this final week of our Lenten study, we are looking at the impact of being a Barnabas outside of the church walls. Can we apply what we learn from Barnabas to the Great Commission to make disciples? Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in...