Conducting Ministry Experiments

Conducting Ministry Experiments

Over the last two years, the Church was forced to stretch and find new ways to gather and share the gospel. The invention was birthed out of necessity but as necessity waned, the interest in the innovations has largely waned as well. Yet, culture proceeds to shifts...
What is whole life worship?

What is whole life worship?

Transformation is the great white whale of ministry. We plan for it, pray for it, and dedicate our lives and ministries to its pursuit. We see it spout from a distance, feel the ripples that promise it is near, but real, honest to goodness transformation eludes...

Journey toward a new beginning: How can we adapt worship?

There is no way around it. Taking a traditional large church service and doing precisely the same thing in a small group just feels strange.  A twenty-minute sermon in a living room or backyard? Congregational singing? Much of what we have been doing for worship for...
Four Steps to a Long-Term Sermon

Four Steps to a Long-Term Sermon

Guest blog by Rev. Dr. Adam T. Trambley. Adam brings a wealth of knowledge and encouragement from his own discovery journey in learning how preaching transforms congregations. This is part 2 of 2 where Adam lays out four steps to a long-term sermon. In yesterday’s...