Every person you coach is different. One important difference is how they process ideas. Some are audio processors. They think best out loud, and talking is the way they process their ideas. As they talk, they gain greater clarity and insight, which then results in...
Remember the story where Jesus approaches a man in need of healing and asks him, “Do you want to get well?” (John 5:6) I used to think that was such a strange question. Of course he wants to get well! What invalid wouldn’t want to get well? Yet one of the observations...
Someone once criticized D.L. Moody for his evangelism methods. His response: “I like my way of doing evangelism better than your way of not doing evangelism.” It’s like that with discipleship too. Sometimes we multiply so many options that we don’t do anything at all....
Often in ministry, we start to feel overwhelmed by the task before us. Engaging in what I call the action-reflection loop can help. Plan some time for reflection and take stock of where you’re at. Dream about where you want to be. You need clarity in terms of where...