
See Lives Transformed

Discipleship - Logan LeadershipWhy did you go into ministry in the first place? Most likely you wanted to make disciples, see lives changed, see the Kingdom of God advanced. You wanted to see transformation.

Churches and ministries only grow as well as the disciples they develop. It’s time to go back to the basics with a focus on discipleship. We can help you create a simple, relational, yet focused system that can help you get traction for making disciples at all levels.

Look in the Mirror

This blog post is part of a series of nine entries, each highlighting one of the nine Journey Guides. Each Journey Guide is a three-week discipleship study. They can be engaged separately or as a series. As we try to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, it’s essential...

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Find Your Focus

This blog post is part of a series of nine entries, each highlighting one of the nine Journey Guides. Each Journey Guide is a three-week discipleship study. They can be engaged separately or as a series.  God has something unique for each of us to contribute to his...

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Love God

This blog post is part of a series of nine entries, each highlighting one of the nine Journey Guides. Each Journey Guide is a three-week discipleship study. They can be engaged separately or as a series. Loving God is the bedrock of all of the rest of our faith — it’s...

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A map for discipleship

A map for discipleship

If you actually want to get where you’re going, you need a map to help you navigate. Only a map can give you an indication of whether you’re getting closer to or further away from your goal. Without one, all of us are left wandering in circles. We have another free...

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What God sounds like


Discipleship See Lives Transformed Why did you go into ministry in the first place? Most likely you wanted to make disciples, see lives changed, see the Kingdom of God advanced. You wanted to see transformation. Churches and ministries only grow as well as the...

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