If you actually want to get where you’re going, you need a map to help you navigate. Only a map can give you an indication of whether you’re getting closer to or further away from your goal. Without one, all of us are left wandering in circles.

We have another free resource available on the Logan Leadership website: the Map of Discipleship. This is a tool you can use as you disciple people. Nine different categories– along with bullet point descriptors– are listed on the map

Click to download a free copy of the Map of Discipleship– in either English or Spanish.

map navigate

You can watch this five-minute video that explains how you can use the map with those you are discipling or coaching. As you look at the map together, the person you’re discipling can determine where God is guiding them next in their growth. Three-week Journey Guides for each of the nine categories are available separately to aid you in the growth and discipleship process.

Following today’s blog entry, we’ll have a series of nine entries, each highlighting one of the nine Journey Guides based on the nine points of the map.