We all need to grow in different areas

To grow toward true, holistic maturity in Christ, we need to take all areas of his commands to heart. For years and years in my walk of discipleship, I mostly ignored the area of social justice. It just didn’t fit my theological paradigm, and it didn’t register that I...

Serving God

‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ (Matthew 25:40) How do we serve God? By serving others… especially by serving ‘the least of these’– those who cannot give back to...

Loving God

If we know God, we love God. If we are loving God, we keep his commandments. Love is more than a feeling or an emotion. It is a commitment lived out in our actions and our behaviors. If we know God and we love God, then we serve God. We become tied into what’s...

The seven commands of Jesus

Below is a list of the seven commands of Jesus taught to the people of Honduras. They follow a Spanish acronym that isn’t present in the English translation. 1. Repent and believe 2. Be baptized 3. Love the people 4. Receive communion 5. Give 6. Pray 7. Teach Notice...

How do others perceive Christians?

How are we perceived from the outside? How would we like others to perceive us? How do those perspectives affect our testimony? What can we do about it? Food for thought from New York Times columnist Nikolas Kristoff.

A prayer for mission

The Rev. Jonathan Hunnicutt, of The Table Church, sent me this prayer recently and I thought I would share it with you. It is a prayer for mission from Morning Prayer Rite II. 1979 Book of Common Prayer, page 101: Lord Jesus Christ, you stretched out your arms of love...