‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ (Matthew 25:40)

How do we serve God? By serving others… especially by serving ‘the least of these’– those who cannot give back to us.

Our service to others– both believers and unbelievers– is the lifeblood of our faith. Although it may not look as dramatic as we expect, it will leave a lasting impact on those we serve. We live as the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus. As the hands of Jesus, we pitch in to help with whatever is needed, whether large or small. As the feet of Jesus, we go to the people Jesus wants us to go to, to live among them and be present with them. As the voice of Jesus, we speak words of hope, healing and encouragement into people’s lives, reflecting God to them through our words.

In what ways are you currently serving as the hands, feet and voice of Jesus?