Where to start?

As Christians, we often see so many lost people around us that we don’t know where to start. Even though many seeds are planted, they don’t all produce a crop. Some seeds are taken up by the birds, some have no root and some are crushed by thorns. Where are the most...

Story of an incarnational missionary

  While working full-time, Tony Bleything gathered a strong core of 70 people. He proved himself a capable missionary, gatherer and leader. At the point when he hit 70 people, he realized he could no longer function effectively in a bivocational capacity, but the...

Fire and mission

Take some time this Friday morning to meditate on this insight from German theologian Emil Brunner: “The Church exists by mission as fire exists by burning.”  

Creation care study materials

This blog entry is from The Eden Projects.  I highly recommend their group study materials on creation care, as well as their ministry around the world. There are lots of resources to teach Christians how to be good stewards of finances or possessions.  But Scripture...

Unreached people groups: a ministry to the deaf

  One of the people I met in Honduras was an American woman who moved there to start Signs of Love, a deaf ministry. Here in developed countries like the USA, families with a deaf child have a lot of resources to help them teach their children language while...

Leave them in the parking lot

  Have you ever taken a hike with unwilling children? It’s a painful experience trying to take kids along who don’t want to go. They will complain and sabotage in an effort to make the experience so miserable that everyone will want to turn back. It’s better to...