Generous living

Generous living means investing well what God has given us—whether that be our spiritual gifts, our homes, our time, our money, or anything else God has entrusted to us. We are to practice generosity in line with our beliefs and what we are hearing from God. We are to...

Sacrificial service

There are few better ways to reflect the heart of God for people than through sacrificial service. Followers of Jesus who engage in sacrificial service to others build significantly more credibility with people of all belief systems than those who do not regularly...
Pray for a domino effect

Pray for a domino effect

When you make a disciple, that’s not the end of the story. That disciple then goes on to make other disciples, who go on to make other disciples. The domino effect is the multiplication of disciples. So when you have a new believer, don’t remove them from their...

Belonging before believing

God is already at work in the people around us, even those who are not yet followers of Jesus. People hear God’s voice before they accept him. When we disciple others, that discipleship relationship actually begins before a life transformation or conversion. Our role...

Person of Peace

When God is at work in starting a new gathering of believers, he often lays the foundation within a “person of peace.” They are a bridge person who brings the message of Jesus into their own community. This person can be the first domino in a chain reaction among a...

Who’s in your oikos?

Oikos is the Greek word for household. It is the fundamental unit of society involving families, friends, neighbors, and associates. The New Testament describes churches meeting in the oikos, and it teaches that believers belong to the “household” of God. The spread...