“If you need it you can take it”

Those were the words of a woman none of us had ever met before, out in the middle of what I would consider nowhere. We had traveled 5 hours by truck over rough, rocky roads and stream crossings in rural Honduras, going slowly through mountain switchbacks, when it...

Fresh expressions of being the church

My friend and colleague Mark Fields recently drew my attention to a UK website: Fresh Expressions. It focuses on new ways of being church. This group seems to be asking the question:  How can we empower people to experience Christian communities in the context of...

T4T resource

Just before Christmas, I did a blog series on the T4T church multiplication training tool. The series generated some interest, and a reader pointed out a helpful field tool for using the T4T approach. If you are looking for a free resource that goes into more depth...

T4T: What church can look like

This week’s blog series is by Dave White, a missionary with OC International in The Philippines. He shares his experience using T4T. T4T is a set of principles that weaves together evangelism, evangelism training, discipleship, and leadership development, including...

T4T: The progression of stories

This week’s blog series is by Dave White, a missionary with OC International in The Philippines. He shares his experience using T4T. T4T is a set of principles that weaves together evangelism, evangelism training, discipleship, and leadership development, including...