Missional church planting requires a different way of thinking about church planting. The starting point is not “how can I grow my church.” The starting point is “how can our small band of believers bless this community.” Church growth is more of a byproduct.
That’s how it was in Acts: the believers did engaged in all of these missional activities (prayer, evidence of God’s work, sacrificial giving, meeting together, true fellowship, praising God), THEN “the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:47).
That’s missional church growth. When we live as Jesus called us to live– giving and blessing the community around us, and demonstrating true community within the church– Spirit-driven growth is a natural outcome.
As far as practical structures for moving toward a missional church plant, I have a four-point outline that is expanding on in my recently released book The Missional Journey:
- Engaging culture
- Forming missional communities
- Developing leadership
- Multiplying movements
I encourage you to check out the book if you want practical structures and examples of what this kind of church planting can look like.
The Missional Journey
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Price: $20.00
Very rarely do I take the time to write a review, but this book deserves it. If you are planting a church, part of a church plant, or seeking to gain a better understanding of church planting, you should defintely read this book.This book is like several seminary classes combined into one volume. It is easy to read yet thorough in it’s treatment of so many subjects. I have read many books on planting and this one tops them all. It is a book that forces you to think. It is full of practical suggestions. It has helped me clarify my vision, timetable and goals.Read this book if you want to plant a biblical, missional, mature church. It would be a big mistake to ignore the advice found in its pages. This book will give you good ideas and save you from making many costly mistakes.
The Lord’s work is not easy! It is messy—as messy as people are. Paul writes, “The fire will test the quality of each person’s work” (vs. 13). How do God’s servants spiritually and strategically prepare themselves to lay new kingdom foundations of Jesus Christ (church planting) or to build upon these foundations (church renewal and growth)? Are you willing to put your life in God’s hands and work in this messy world?