The five tests of a godly vision

Is your vision godly? Measure it in light of these benchmarks. A godly vision… Is right for the times Promotes faith rather than fear Motivates people to action Requires some risk-taking Glorifies God, not people

The value of selectivity

Almost always, when volunteer-based ministries are formed, we say to the Lord, “We’ll take anyone you bring us.” Then whoever shows up is automatically a part of the team. At that point, we stop searching for new team members and start using whoever we’ve got to try...

Got intercessors?

God did not create us to walk through the Christian life alone. We were made to function as part of a team. We each have blind spots. We each need support. Any ministry endeavor will only be as strong as the team that supports it. A team of intercessors should be the...
Listening to serve

Listening to serve

Too many people go about serving without listening first. They dive in doing what they think needs to be done without really knowing if they’re hitting a point of real need or not and without knowing if what they’re doing is truly effective. As Carl George has said,...

The power of liturgy

Back in earlier centuries when the literacy rate was low, liturgy was employed regularly and frequently. The use of stories, pictures, and repeated refrains helped provide ways for people to understand and remember God—it was a hook for them to hang things on. In many...