Vision whiplash

Vision whiplash

Have you ever experienced vision whiplash? You’re part of a church or a faith community and the focus seems to shift every 6 to 12 months. For a season, the church is “all about small groups.”  Then, without warning or explanation, you begin hearing that the church is...
Knowledge in service of character development

Knowledge in service of character development

Jesus only trained people up to the point where they were already living out what they know. He gave his disciples a little bit to go on and expected them to act on it. (See Mark 9:14-29 or Luke 10:1-24 if you’d like an example.) Training people beyond their obedience...
Education for transformation

Education for transformation

What’s the goal of education? Of training? It’s transformation. The traditional approach is to give a lot of information and hope they apply it. Sometimes a more avant-garde approach is that part of passing the course is implementing the information. But what we’re...
Rethinking education: a competency-based approach

Rethinking education: a competency-based approach

The core issue with developing people is to identify the outcomes you’re trying to accomplish. The challenge in the formal education field is thinking in terms of curriculum– what the students need to know– instead of in terms of outcome– what the...
As senior leader goes, so goes the church

As senior leader goes, so goes the church

I’ve done a lot of consulting, coaching, and writing about trying to help churches develop leadership farm systems (developing leaders from the harvest). One observation I’ve made is the churches that are able to raise leaders from the harvest have pastors who are...