Are you giving it your 60%?

Are you giving it your 60%?

When I’m coaching people and they’re not feeling fulfillment in what they’re doing, I usually find that less than 60% of what they’re doing is in their areas of strength and passion. For basic fulfillment in your life and ministry, you need to be spending at least 60%...
A shortcut for your group leaders

A shortcut for your group leaders

Ever wish there was an easy way to prepare your leaders to facilitate a group discussion on scripture? Many people are so afraid that they won’t know enough about scripture that they won’t even sign up for the job. Here’s the easiest way I’ve found:  give them...
Multi-site tip #10: What about the preaching?

Multi-site tip #10: What about the preaching?

This blog entry is part of a series of reflections on the multi-site model of church. After the whole series has been posted, you can do a search for multi-site within the blog to pull up the whole series. This is hands-down the most contentious issue for multi-site...
Multi-site tip #9: Pre-think the staffing structure

Multi-site tip #9: Pre-think the staffing structure

This blog entry is part of a series of reflections on the multi-site model of church. After the whole series has been posted, you can do a search for multi-site within the blog to pull up the whole series. Consider staffing structure before you hire. What positions...
Multi-site tip #8: Emphasize multiplication over size

Multi-site tip #8: Emphasize multiplication over size

This blog entry is part of a series of reflections on the multi-site model of church. After the whole series has been posted, you can do a search for multi-site within the blog to pull up the whole series. Emphasize multiplication. Depending on how it’s done,...
Multi-site tip #7: Get comfortable with repetition

Multi-site tip #7: Get comfortable with repetition

This blog entry is part of a series of reflections on the multi-site model of church. After the whole series has been posted, you can do a search for multi-site within the blog to pull up the whole series. Communicate your expectations—and the vision—over and over...