Death by Addition: A Reflection on Holy Week

Death by Addition: A Reflection on Holy Week

By guest blogger Mark Foster, pastor of Acts 2 Church In many churches, Holy Week is the high point of the annual church calendar. It’s also like the Super bowl and a marathon rolled into one. I’m always amazed at the number of extra events churches plan during holy...
Primal Fire by Neil Cole

Primal Fire by Neil Cole

Neil Cole has a new book out and I just finished reading it. I’ve already highlighted two books (one by Alan Hirsch and one by JR Woodward) on this blog that address the APEST model of leadership– apostle, prophet, evangelist, shepherd, teacher– and now...
The difference 10 minutes can make

The difference 10 minutes can make

I met a Guatemalan man named Gerber Perez, who now works with Mission Impact. When he was a young man, about 21, he got his first job teaching 3rd grade at a local school. Gerber made a practice of setting his watch ten minutes ahead so he would always arrive on time....
Growth or control? Can you have both?

Growth or control? Can you have both?

Growth? Or Control? As a coach of missional leaders, one of the competencies I lean on all the time is what I call “organizational sustainability.” That’s the ability to help leaders develop and adapt sustainable systems as their missional ministry grows. Essentially,...
Leadership and Management

Leadership and Management

Today’s entry is from guest blogger Dr. Steven Goodwin. After twenty five years as a parish pastor, God called me out of my comfort zone of the parish and out into secular employment as an organization and leadership development consultant. In this new form of...