A visual scribe

I was working at a conference recently with the Reformed Leadership Initiative and they had an unusual addition to the gathering: a visual scribe. I was introduced to Keith Young, who—instead of taking notes during the meeting—recorded what was discussed via...

The Logan Leadership approach to consulting

Can you see so much more potential for your ministry than is currently being lived out? Are you frustrated with the status quo and discouraged by failed attempts? Do you lead a congregation in decline that could be growing instead? We can help. You can meet needs in...

Cheeseburger, cheeseburger

When you approach something from a consultant perspective, you need to see what the church needs… not just your area of specialty. Instead, a good consultant sorts out their needs and approaches the situation appropriately, referring to the appropriate tools for...

How change really happens

A while back I read an old classic article in the Harvard Business Review that used a brilliant phrase: “running down the corridors of comparative indifference.” That’s a preferred way to lead change. Instead of trying to make big changes in obvious places–...

Need some help in your ministry this summer?

  I first met Dr. Charles Ridley when I was a church planter and he was a Professor at Fuller School of Psychology conducting research on the profile of a church planter back in the mid 80s.  I was one of the people being interviewed and was instantly impressed...