The muddled middle

Today, a client’s perspective on how coaching has helped him. From guest blogger Ryan Bearschell of The Salvation Army. I have this common time period every day from 1-4 pm where I’m just no good. I’m tired and unproductive– I call it my “brainless time” or my...

How do you train missional coaches well?

Sure, you can send them to a training event and have them do some reading.  But if you really want a practical level of competency, you also need to help coaches-in-training get some hands-on experience:  living missionally themselves, practicing coaching, getting...
Why get missional coach training?

Why get missional coach training?

Ministry leaders are at least 50% more effective with coaching. They need someone who will listen, ask them questions, and help them reflect on what they’re hearing from God. They need someone who will help them develop action plans and stay accountable to completing...

Coach or cash?

A man I work with in the transitional living center recently wrote a letter to me and Janet asking for $100. Our policy in environments where we volunteer is that is that we don’t give money directly to individuals, but we do give time and training to them. That’s the...
Catch the seashore vision

Catch the seashore vision

As a young church planter, knocking on doors in the 70s and struggling to get a new church up and running, I had a vision that has since directed the rest of my life. In my vision I was standing at the seashore in southern California. I was joined by other church...