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How to talk about year-end giving

How to talk about year-end giving

Giving Tuesday is next week. Don't miss the opportunity to talk about it this weekend... Money can be a difficult topic As a pastor, you see people struggling and are sensitive to the financial hardships within your congregation. The last thing you want to do is add...

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How is planning for 2024 going?

How is planning for 2024 going?

Do you get a pit in your stomach when it comes time for annual planning? Annual planning sessions can be frustrating. They can tend to fall on the extremes of a free-for-all or dictatorial marching orders. Neither approach gets good results or creates a healthy...

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Are you feeling ministry fatigue?

Are you feeling ministry fatigue?

Your congregation is back in the building, Bible studies are in full swing…the church is busy. So why are you feeling, well, just “meh”? If you are feeling ministry fatigue you are not alone.  What is the source of your fatigue? Pastoring is a tough job and there are...

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How are you feeling about the holidays?

How are you feeling about the holidays?

If you are feeling like you’ve said everything there is to say on the subject of Christmas… you aren’t alone. Even the best pastors can get into ruts or feel uninspired. And that can be true for even the most sacred of scriptures, celebrations, and holidays.  It’s...

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Confirming and Safeguarding Your Vision

Confirming and Safeguarding Your Vision

You are ready to try something new. Something radical. Maybe you are inspired by someone else’s fresh but unexpected expression of ministry. Or, maybe you are feeling a tug towards something you’ve never seen done.  When we hear or see something unexpected, it’s...

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Is your church invisible?

Is your church invisible?

How many times have you pointed your congregation to Acts 2:42-47 as an example of what the church should be? A community of generous sharing and fellowship, devoted to the Apostle’s teaching. Yet there’s one part we often forget—and I’d argue it’s an important one. ...

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Knowing how to help

Knowing how to help

You are a Christian leader, people come to you for help. That’s part of the role--and rightly so. But how do you manage it? Sometimes there’s too much to do and the needs are overwhelming. Other times, the type of help being asked for can push you adrift from your...

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The power of belonging 

The power of belonging 

People have a strong drive to feel included and respected. It is a basic human need for community and belonging built into all people—in families, in smaller groups, in large crowds. Even at a rock concert, people feel a strong drive to be a part of something bigger...

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The Unfairness of Ministry 

The Unfairness of Ministry 

Much of ministry can feel unfair. People who don't understand the weight of ministry put unfair expectations on you, don't respect your time as your own, feel the right to speak into how you raise your kids. In the midst of difficult ministry seasons, it's tempting to...

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3 Kinds of Calling

3 Kinds of Calling

If you’re a Christian leader, you’ve probably found one of the most common questions people come to you with—especially younger people—is that of calling. What is my calling? What is God’s will for my life? How can I tell what God wants me specifically to do?  These...

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