Does it feel like there is a lot to overcome in order to grow the church in today’s world? Mastering some key coaching skills could make all the difference in having fruitful spiritual conversations.

spiritual coaching

How we unintentionally shut down spiritual conversations

So often when the conversation turns to spiritual things, we quickly shift into “telling” mode. We start telling people what we believe and why, along with what they should believe. Part of that reflexive shift into telling might stem from how we learned to do evangelism, which often requires some critical dismantling. Part of it also stems from fear—we can be afraid someone might believe the wrong thing (i.e., differently from us), which can feel inherently threatening.

But it around and think how our going into “telling” mode may be affecting those we are talking with. They are maybe thinking aloud, wondering, considering possibilities. Suddenly, they see us become defensive, start telling us what to think, and potentially applying some pressure. Well-meant, maybe—like encouraging your child to do well in school—but still pressure. Suddenly, all creative and exploratory thought comes to a halt. The stakes feel higher and they’re thinking, “How can I get out of this conversation to somewhere I can more safely explore my thoughts, ideas, and questions?”

That’s essentially the opposite of a productive place for having spiritual conversations. And it’s where the introduction of some basic coaching skills can help immensely.

So often when the conversation turns to spiritual things, we quickly shift into “telling” mode. Share on X

How coaching skills foster spiritual conversations

You can use coaching skills like listening and asking good, open-ended questions to help people determine where they are on the path of discipleship and where God may want to lead them next. That goes for the entire spiritual process: exploratory conversations with acquaintances, spiritual conversations with seekers, early discipling conversations with new believers, and more formal discipleship conversations with Christians seeking to grow in maturity in the deeper things of the faith.

So as you go through life, engage with those around you and look to see where God may be actively at work in their lives. Use coaching skills to draw out the spiritual nature God has placed within them. Listen to their experiences, their values, their priorities, their hopes for the future. All of these things can uncover ways in which God is at work.

Coaching skills like listening and asking good, open-ended questions help people determine where they are on the path of discipleship and where God may want to lead them next. Share on X

Good questions for engaging in spiritual conversations

Choose the question you ask based on the timing and a sense of discernment as you are in conversation with others.  Listen to the Holy Spirit to discover what you might ask to help draw out ways God may be at work in someone’s life. Taking a coaching approach like this will help people far more than going into “telling” mode. You never know what God might be up to until you stop to really listen and pay attention.

  • Where do you feel a pull or a tugging to explore more?
  • When have you run across things you cannot explain?
  • When is a time you felt the presence of God?
  • What beliefs or values do you think God may have placed within you?
  • Where do you sense God at work in your life?
  • What life experiences have shaped your ideas of God?
  • Who have you known whose faith and way of life you have truly respected?
Listen to the Holy Spirit to discover what you might ask to help draw out ways God may be at work in someone’s life. Share on X


Dr. Bob Logan is conducting two in-person cluster consultation events in Southern California in May 2021! 

You and your team are looking to move into this next season with clear direction and confidence. As society is quickly reopening, it’s time to address YOUR most pressing questions as you enter into this next season. In a small group setting, Bob will lead your team in personalized discussions so that you leave with clarified priorities and the best steps for your ministry to move forward strategically and on mission!

We understand that the budget is tight this year. Bob is DONATING his time for these events! You and up to 4 members of your team can attend this event for only $100! And 100% of that fee will be given to Eden Reforestation Projects, an international nonprofit working to restore communities through the reforestation of their lands and fair wage employment.


Glendora, CA — May 11, 2021 – ONLY 1 SPOT LEFT!

Chatsworth, CA — May 19, 2021 – 6 SPOTS LEFT

Both events will take place between 9am-2pm. Snacks and lunch will be generously provided by ViaCordis.

How to Register

Click HERE to contact Logan Leadership and reserve a spot for your team today!


Making Disciples Coaching Guide with Storyboard– Foundational to the health and growth of the church is the intentional development of obedient disciples whose lives are established on the principles of loving God, loving others and making disciples. Although discipleship is far from a linear process, the journey set out in the Making Disciples Storyboard and reinforced by this Coaching Guide will help individuals walk through the process of becoming a disciple and making disciples.

Barnabas Ministry Training– Would you like to see less volunteer and pastor burnout? Your leaders fully supported and growing in their roles? Your community confident in their calling and working cooperatively within the body of Christ? How about a simple discipleship model that meets people where they are, and helps them take the next best step in their walk with Jesus? You want a Barnabas coaching ministry! Coaching is an invaluable tool to help your people and ministries flourish in their unique callings and functions within the church and the community. This downloadable turnkey kit is all you need to launch a solid coaching ministry!

Becoming Barnabas– This short book casts vision for coaching as a ministry. Barnabases are people who are instrumental in developing others, the people who are rarely in the spotlight themselves but make that spotlight a reality for others. By learning about the quiet but tremendous power of Barnabas ministry, you can make a difference for the Kingdom of God.

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels