What is whole life worship?

What is whole life worship?

Transformation is the great white whale of ministry. We plan for it, pray for it, and dedicate our lives and ministries to its pursuit. We see it spout from a distance, feel the ripples that promise it is near, but real, honest to goodness transformation eludes...

Broadening our definition of worship

In times of Covid, we cannot engage in congregational singing, long a staple of corporate worship. So let’s think creatively. What else can we do to usher ourselves into the presence of God? How can we experience him and praise him? Nature sings I once took a group of...

Journey toward a new beginning: How can we adapt worship?

There is no way around it. Taking a traditional large church service and doing precisely the same thing in a small group just feels strange.  A twenty-minute sermon in a living room or backyard? Congregational singing? Much of what we have been doing for worship for...

The substance of worship

Parishioner: “Pastor, I’m just not getting anything out of worship.” Pastor: “I’m SO sorry! There’s been a terrible misunderstanding. We’re not worshiping YOU.” Worship isn’t about getting. It’s about giving. Our...

Who are we precluding from worship?

When I was a pastor, I would think about the numbers of people who legitimately can’t come to church on Sunday mornings: hospital workers, police, firefighters, etc. Their schedules preclude Sunday mornings, and I’m glad for it. I want them to be available for...

Where are people gathering?

Church planters talk all the time about the trouble we have gathering people. Yet when we look at it from another perspective, people gather all the time. I heard Jay Pathak speak recently and he asked the question, “Where are people gathering and why?” They gather in...
What we can learn from the Ethiopian Orthodox Church

What we can learn from the Ethiopian Orthodox Church

This entry is from guest blogger Tara Miller, frequent co-author on my books. Over Thanksgiving weekend I visited an Ethiopian Orthodox Church.  Sometimes it’s refreshing to go into a situation where everything is different so you don’t have preconceived...

A good idea

Brandon Hatmaker shares in his new book The Barefoot Church about a way his church created an opportunity for people to experience what it’s like to serve: “I know that sounds weird to taste need, but that’s what it is: an event designed for people to just show up and...