Church planters talk all the time about the trouble we have gathering people. Yet when we look at it from another perspective, people gather all the time.

I heard Jay Pathak speak recently and he asked the question, “Where are people gathering and why?” They gather in all sorts of places: sporting events, the shopping mall, farmers markets selling organic food, biking groups, concerts… the list goes on.

And Jay asked, “Why are they gathering?” Looking below the surface, could it be that they are gathering for worship and fellowship? Witness the intense emotional response to people watching their favorite sports team or seeing their favorite band at a concert.  In a lot of ways, that looks like worship (although not directed toward God) and certainly fellowship.  They are gathering together to celebrate what is important to them alongside others who value the same things.

So how can we meet people where they’re at? How can we join them and engage them as they worship? How can we present the life of the Kingdom of God where people are already gathered?