All about Ds

This entry is part of a series on the DiSC profile. If you’d like to see the whole series, you can do a search for DiSC on this blog. As I shared yesterday, I am a high D. Full disclosure: I top out the chart on being a D. Ds value results. They want to get things...

A resource that saved my ministry

I was a young church planter, probably about a year into the new church plant, when I bought a day of consulting. As a part of that process, consultant Dan Reeves gave me a personal profile system that is now called DiSC. (And yes, for reasons unknown, the i is lower...

Practical help for church planters

  I love coaching church planters. I’ve been doing it for many years now, and I’ve never ceased to be amazed at the endless creativity of planters adapting to their ministry contexts and the changing cultural landscapes. I’ve also noticed– even in the midst...

Alpha as a church planting tool?

Alpha– although not originally designed as an approach to church planting– is particularly well suited to that role. (If you’re not familiar with Alpha, you can find out more here.) It’s a relational, postmodern process geared toward people who don’t...

Discipleship strategy: add one more thing

  Yesterday on my blog I talked about a ministry to the deaf. People go out to rural areas, find the deaf, and begin teaching them sign language so they can start to function and communicate. In the course of that process, many will respond to Jesus because these...

Strongholds vs. stronghabits

  Are certain sins or struggles in your life strongholds? Or are they stronghabits? A stronghold has a spiritual component to it. There is more spiritual warfare involved and we need to pray (and receive prayer) for deliverance. Some other areas of our lives may...

Focused discipleship

This blog entry is part of a series of three that focuses on the three environments for making disciples: peer-to-peer discipleship, guided discipleship, and focused discipleship. Each of these represents a relational, intentional way to make disciples within our...

Guided discipleship

This blog entry is part of a series of three that focuses on the three environments for making disciples: peer-to-peer discipleship, guided discipleship, and focused discipleship. Each of these represents a relational, intentional way to make disciples within our...

Peer-to-peer discipleship

This blog entry is part of a series of three that focuses on the three environments for making disciples: peer-to-peer discipleship, guided discipleship, and focused discipleship. Each of these represents a relational, intentional way to make disciples within our...