Sometimes we take a look at a particular neighborhood or subculture and we think it’s really bad… and it may be. But how might God want to redeem or use that area? How can we take the energy we feel and use it constructively? God may very well be at work there. Let’s...
Sometimes an opportunity comes along seemingly out of the blue. How do we know whether it’s of God or a distraction? How do we assess whether this new possibility is something we should invest our time in? I was working with a church planter to determine whether a...
I met a Guatemalan man named Gerber Perez, who now works with Mission Impact. When he was a young man, about 21, he got his first job teaching 3rd grade at a local school. Gerber made a practice of setting his watch ten minutes ahead so he would always arrive on time....
In Bobby Clinton’s classic book The Making of a Leader, he writes about the concept of “sovereign foundations”– the contexts a person was born into that give shape to their lives. That could include the family they were born into, any disabilities they have, the...
Whenever doors of opportunity for effective ministry open, the challenges are right there with us. The apostle Paul understood that: But I will stay on at Ephesus until Pentecost, because a great door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many who...
Did you ever have one of those times when you wish you could go back and do something differently? A while back I was walking out of a Quiznos and a woman was there asking for money. I don’t give out money on the street, but I do sometimes buy people a sandwich or...
Having been in this field of church planting for a long time, I have seen and experienced and been a part of that changing landscape. In my experience, I’ve seen the process of reaching people for Christ becoming more and more relational. It’s a...