You need to be freed up to do what only YOU can do. That means building a team that can take on the many aspects of ministry that need to be done but that you don’t have to do personally. You need training and delegation systems that really work. The problem is...
When I was first planting a church many years ago, I found that I was getting tired and discouraged every few weeks. I prayed the psalms, crying out to God, asking for his help, praying for perspective. I was on the lookout for unconfessed sin. I tried counting my...
We live in a world where getting promoted often means not just increased responsibility but increased hours. Yet I’d argue that real leadership results in decreasing your hours as you focus more and more on what only you can do. The balance of your time can be spent...
There’s a book by Michael Gerber called The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It. One of the points he makes, which is equally applicable to church planting, is that many entrepreneurs get caught up working in the...
What’s your motivation for delegation? Desire to develop others and help them grow Focus on what only you can do (God’s calling) Make a greater ministry impact: how what they are doing advances the kingdom of God Why don’t we delegate? We don’t plan ahead so things...
Part of a series inspired by Peter Drucker, an important mentor of mine In yesterday’s blog entry, I talked about a time early in my ministry when I realized I was trying to do too much myself instead of empowering others in the church. One of the outcomes of...
Specifically identify what tasks need to be delegated Choose people who seem like they might become good at those tasks Say clearly what needs to be done Give them the “what” but let them develop “how” they will accomplish the task Suggest any helpful resources...
Delegation means sharing the work. We can give some of our tasks to other people. Delegating spreads the workload more evenly and also helps other people develop their skills. As people get better at their new tasks, we can also allow them to make more of the...