Why Young Adults Need You to Emphasize Discipleship

Why Young Adults Need You to Emphasize Discipleship

By guest blogger Dr. Dave Daubert, parish pastor at Zion Lutheran Church in Elgin, Illinois and lead consultant for Day 8 Strategies. One of my favorite pot stirrers is the Franciscan priest, Richard Rohr. In his How to Breathe Underwater, he spends a lot of time...
Discipleship – A Challenge to Mainline Churches

Discipleship – A Challenge to Mainline Churches

By guest blogger Dr. Dave Daubert, parish pastor at Zion Lutheran Church in Elgin, Illinois and lead consultant for Day 8 Strategies. There are obstacles to raising the bar on discipleship in mainline traditions, and many of these obstacles are present in the Lutheran...

Guide for Discipleship – Why a Customized Edition?

By guest blogger Dr. Dave Daubert, parish pastor at Zion Lutheran Church in Elgin, Illinois and lead consultant for Day 8 Strategies. The new Discipleship Guide for Lutherans are an exciting new release. After months of work, the language and quotes have been edited...

The power of green

As an avid mountain biker who lives in the Los Angeles area, I’ve been thinking about green spaces lately and how the natural environment helps us connect with God. I read an interesting piece on Dave Daubert’s blog that I think puts words to the way we as...

Seeing through God’s eyes

Dave Daubert has a woman in his congregation who reads the local paper through God’s eyes. What she means by this is that as she reads the newspaper, she looks for good things people have done. When she finds them, she sends a thank you note:  “I noticed...