APA analysis

APA analysis

The APA Analysis constitutes yet another strategy I learned from my mentor Carl George. When doing consulting work or working with a ministry, I’ve found this tool extremely helpful. The idea is to help a group think through what they want to achieve, preserve, and...
The Back of the Napkin

The Back of the Napkin

I love this book! It’s been so helpful to me as I work with groups trying to communicate sometimes complex concepts in simple ways that people can really grab hold of. The Back of the Napkin by Dan Roam is a book on how you can use simple drawings to solve problems...

Can we questions

I first learned about the use of “can we” questions when I was doing a few days of speaking in Australia. I was working with a gathering of leaders on developing multiplication movements. One group brought their entire team from across the country– 15 leaders...

Starting where you are

This week I’m doing a five-part series to help you critically examine and sharpen your own ministry. The goal is to create a template that will allow you to serve as a consultant for your own ministry… a way of reflecting, assessing and clarifying where you are...

Getting specific

This week I’m doing a five-part series to help you critically examine and sharpen your own ministry. The goal is to create a template that will allow you to serve as a consultant for your own ministry… a way of reflecting, assessing and clarifying where you are...

The picture of a leader

This week I’m doing a five-part series to help you critically examine and sharpen your own ministry. The goal is to create a template that will allow you to serve as a consultant for your own ministry… a way of reflecting, assessing and clarifying where you are...

Identifying your values

This week I’m doing a five-part series to help you critically examine and sharpen your own ministry. The goal is to create a template that will allow you to serve as a consultant for your own ministry… a way of reflecting, assessing and clarifying where you are...

Examining your own ministry

This week I’m doing a five-part series to help you critically examine and sharpen your own ministry. The goal is to create a template that will allow you to serve as a consultant for your own ministry… a way of reflecting, assessing and clarifying where you are...