Generosity goes way beyond the financial realm. Think about some of the most spiritual people you know. They are likely also some of the most generous people you know. Possibly not with money per se– but also with their lives, their spirits, their time. People who have a true experience of God live out of a spirit of generosity… it flows out from them.

Yet that’s not something that comes naturally to us as human beings. How can we cultivate that type of spirit of generosity in our own lives? In spite of the fear and the selfishness that we also know lies within us? How are we to live out a radically generous life? How are we to live wisely, stewarding well what God has given us? Into what areas of our lives does generosity extend? Those are some of the questions we address in the Generous Living discipleship guide.

The five-week study guide takes you through these areas:

• Managing your time and resources for kingdom purposes
• Using your spiritual gifts to bless others
• Giving your money generously and wisely
• Showing hospitality without favoritism
• Living out your God-given calling

Each section includes thoughts on the topic, relevant scripture passages, practical ideas and exercises, coaching questions, and application. Work through it alone, in a discipling relationship or in a small group setting.

Check out these sample sections:

Generous living means investing well what God has given us—whether that be our spiritual gifts, our homes, our time, our money, or anything else God has entrusted to us. We are to practice generosity in line with our beliefs and what we are hearing from God. We are to recognize that all we have is from him and we are to steward it well for the advancement of God’s Kingdom and purposes.

Too often we think only of money when we think of generosity. But what else has God entrusted to us? If we have an abundance of time due to being unemployed or retired, we can use that for prayer and service. If we have a home, we can use that to welcome others. If we speak English, we teach the language to international students. If we can read, we can tutor children. If we are well-connected socially, we can connect people with one another who can band then together for Kingdom purposes. There are many, many ways God has gifted us that we seldom recognize.

• Matthew 25:14-15
• Luke 16:10

Discipleship questions:

• What have you become aware of God gifting you with?
• What opportunities do you have for using those gifts?
• What would it look like to bury it in the ground? What would it look like to invest it?
• What is the risk you would need to take to invest what God has entrusted you with?

Exercise: Defining hospitality

List as many different ways of showing hospitality as you can. Consider the word “invitation.” What can you invite people to?


• In light of this, what is God asking you to do?
• How will you do this?
• When will you do this?
• Who will help you?

The Generous Living guide helps us think through all the different ways we can live generously, as a testament to how God has been generous ways to us.

Click here for this 20-page downloadable discipleship guide. The Spanish version can be found here.

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