“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”

The expression of the Kingdom is radical service to others: doing the works that Jesus did. It stands in stark contrast to the world around us. We are to make a difference personally. We are to stand out like a flame in the darkness.

Consider: how would anyone outside your family and close circle of friends know you are a disciple of Jesus? Too often we focus on our own small circle and don’t look to see the real needs around us… we are not reaching out to help the poor, the refugee, the hurting.

Think about how Jesus ministered, who he associated with. Where did he hang out? With whom? How did he interact with them? He modeled the kind of sacrificial service that we are to give to others. Love others as I have loved you. By this, all people will know you are my disciples.

How are we to delve into understanding and practicing sacrificial service? Work through this new discipleship guide on the topic. The five-week study guide takes you through these areas:

  • Blessing others with your words and deeds
  • Partnering with others to minister in practical ways
  • Ministering personally and appropriately to the poor
  • Speaking up for people experiencing injustice
  • Cultivating a compassionate heart

Each section includes thoughts on the topic, relevant scripture passages, practical ideas and exercises, coaching questions, and application. Discover new ways to live out the gospel in practical ways that make a difference to those around you.

Check out these sample sections:

There are few better ways to reflect the heart of God for people than through sacrificial service. Followers of Jesus who engage in sacrificial service to others build significantly more credibility with people of all belief systems than those who do not regularly serve others. It’s as if all people inherently recognize the goodness of God reflected by serving others with nothing expected in return. Sacrificial service means doing good works even when it’s costly, inconvenient or challenging.

A cup of cold water can speak volumes. A generous word can be like water on parched land. We don’t know how much we need it until someone takes the time to give it to us. Consider the acts of service we can do for one another: caring for someone else’s child, offering your skills when they are needed, giving someone a ride to the airport. These are small things that make a difference because of the messages they send.

Ephesians 2:10
Galatians 2:10

Discipleship questions:

  • Who is working alongside you to minister to others?
  • What are some unique gifts and contributions they offer?
  • Who do you sense God calling you to minister to?
  • What needs do you see around you?
  • Which of the needs in your community are you able to address?
  • How might you best do that?

Exercise: Examining the good Samaritan

Tell the story of the good Samaritan from the following perspectives:

  • The traveling man
  • The Priest
  • The Samaritan
  • The innkeeper

Explore the many different ways you can live more like Jesus lived—serving others in sacrificial ways—even in the scope of your current daily life.

Click here for the 20-page downloadable Sacrificial Service discipleship guide.
It’s also available in Spanish here.

Click here to browse the selection of the rest of the discipleship guides.

Purchase our latest book: “The Discipleship Difference: Making Disciples While Growing As Disciples”

The Discipleship Difference: Making Disciples While Growing As Disciples

The Discipleship Difference lays out an intentional, holistic, and relational approach to discipleship that is individualized to meet each person wherever they are.

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