Are you a coach with a messy desk filled with post-it note reminders and handwritten notes? Let us help you organize your coaching. You’ll be amazed at how easy and streamlined it is to track your coaching relationships. Benefits include:


  • Confidential online record keeping
  • Prompts your clients to prepare for sessions in advance
  • Write in your own coaching questions or plug in some of ours
  • Easy note-taking
  • Built-in follow up
  • Option to display your logo and link from your site


“As a busy executive coach, I am always looking for ways to be more efficient with my use of time. has been an invaluable tool in consolidating my coaching practise. This tool has allowed me to keep great notes, work with clients to create action items, track progress, and keep it all straight for 40 clients at a time. I could not do the work I do without this tool.”

— Keith Shields, Coach, Pastor, Church Planter, Vancouver, BC

Check out MyCoachLog today!