Having coached people for over 30 years, I’ve learned that much of coaching really boils down to three things: preparing for the session in advance, interacting during the session, then determining next steps at the end of the session. I’ve designed MyCoachLog around this cycle of prepare, discuss, act.

When people come into the coaching session prepared with a clear idea of what they want to talk about, the conversation flows much more effectively and saves time. In the preparation section of MyCoachLog, I’ve included templates of generic questions that I’ve found helpful over the years. By sending them to clients before the session, they come in better prepared for the coaching conversation. You can use my questions if they seem useful to you or you can edit them to suit your own needs and save the adapted version for your continuing use. If you are coaching in a specific niche area, you can also create your own sets of questions and save them on the site.

During the coaching session itself, you can take notes and save them in the system, allowing you to remember insights that you want to come back to later. As you close the session, you and the person you’re coaching can determine the next steps to be taken… which of course informs the preparation for the next coaching conversation.

By guiding you through this three-step cycle for each coaching conversation, MyCoachLog makes your coaching more effective with less work, and keeps track of everything in one place. You can use it with individuals, couples or teams. Try MyCoachLog and see for yourself how it can double or triple the effectiveness of your coaching.