It’s probably too early to tell, but my newly released book, The Missional Journey, really seems to be resonating with a wide variety of readers– from mainline denominations to Pentecostal. Many have told me they experience a deep, visceral, heartfelt response: that internal “Yes, this is what God has called us to do.”

The Missional Journey seems to be stimulating people toward action in a way that they are motivated about. People have told me that they like how the book is very holistic, coming out of a theological and biblical framework, but also how it moves them toward thinking in very practical terms: What’s the next step to help us move forward?

People are wanting to have conversation after conversation to figure out what’s next to really make this vision happen. One man said, “I would love to take a church and this book, and walk with people through the journey of implementing it.”

I had a conversation with another ministry leader who wants to develop missional communities and to coach missional community leaders. I said, “With your background in coaching and your understanding of how groups function, all you really need to do is to take The Missional Journey book and walk with your leaders through the process at the end of each chapter, and you’re already 90% there.” If you really want to do something, this does give you tracks to run on. Your results may not be as fast as you want, but they will be profound.

If you’d like coaching or consultation on how to move forward, contact me.

The Missional Journey

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