Are you looking for ways to measure discipleship growth? Numbers are indeed important to measure but, as we discussed last week, we can get distracted from the real goal by looking too closely or solely at attendance. Making and growing disciples is the goal. But measuring personal growth isn’t an analytic we can obtain at the push of a button. It has to be measured in relationship. The good news is that simple conversation starters can open a welcome door to intentional conversations that will help you grow and measure the growth of disciples.

Making and growing disciples is the goal. But measuring personal growth isn't an analytic we can obtain at the push of a button. It has to be measured in relationship. Share on X

Grow as disciples in community

One good benchmark is how many people are in a focused and intentional in discipling relationships… one where they have a chance to reflect on their spiritual formation and mission.

23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Remembering that “meeting together” does not necessarily indicate a church service, which is not possible during certain times and in certain countries. Rather, it can mean meeting in peer groups of twos and threes and fours. “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” (Matthew 18:20).

How many people are involved in a Hebrews 10:23-25 kind of a relationship?

How many people in your church are in a focused and intentional in discipling relationships, one where they have a chance to reflect on their spiritual formation and mission? Share on X

Grow as disciples through conversation

Qualitative metrics are always measured in and through relationship, so below are some of my first draft thoughts on questions to ask that really get to the heart of matters. The big three areas to measure—in my opinion—can be summed up as Love God, Love Others, and Make Disciples.

Here are some questions for prayerful reflection and thoughtful conversation:

Love God:

  • How are you deepening your experience with God?
  • How is Jesus changing your life?
  • How has the Holy Spirit been prompting you?

Love Others:

  • In what ways are you being genuine with those around you?
  • How have you had opportunity to value people?
  • How are you relationally engaged with others?
  • How have you been the hands and feet of Jesus?

Make Disciples:

  • In whom do you see God working?
  • What conversations have you had about spiritual things?
  • Who have you encouraged to become followers of Jesus?
  • How are you helping new believers follow Jesus?
  • How are you helping new followers make more followers?

In this season, where corporate in-person worship services are not considered safe, these are questions that can be asked in small groups of twos, threes, and fours. They can be asked in person or virtually. As long as the relationship is one of intentional, focused discipleship, the meeting context does not matter.

How are you loving God, loving others and making disciples? We can—and must—find ways to do this in every culture, context, and situation.

Qualitative metrics are always measured in and through relationship. Check out this blog to learn how to measure discipleship metrics. Share on X


Barnabas Ministry Training- Are you looking for a way to multiply yourself? To train a team of people to walk alongside others and encourage them in their journey as a disciple of Christ? This training kit offers a turn-key system for raising up such leaders. We even outline how the training can even be done remotely for such a time as this!

The Leadership Difference- Have you ever felt like you weren’t fully equipped for your leadership role? If you are running up against barriers that aren’t specifically theological but are more about how to lead people and get along with them as you work together, The Leadership Difference is for you.

Leadership Skills Guides- Are you looking for leaders but not finding them among your congregants? Taking the time to raise up leaders is an investment in discipleship, in your ministry, in the Kingdom, and even in yourself. These guides offer simple and proven ways to help you build 37 essential leadership skills into up-and-coming leaders.