As I reflect on my coaching and consulting work, I can see that virtually everyone has good intentions. People don’t lack for good intentions. We want to see good things happen. We want to see people get into discipleship relationships. We want to see people experience authentic life change. We want to do a better job of coming alongside our leaders and equipping them for ministry. Nobody wants to be ineffective; nobody wants to fail.

But good intentions aren’t enough. They have to be translated into action. We need to get traction and move forward… and that’s not always easy to do. The shift that needs to happen is moving from good intentions to becoming intentional. That means taking wise steps, getting traction, and seeing results. So many people just hope for good things to happen, but they’re not actualizing those good intentions in a way that actually gets them there.

That’s what motivates me as a coaching and consultant—to help you intentionalize in a way that gets you where you want to go. I want to help you focus your energy in that direction. So consider: What have you hoped would be happening in your life and ministry for months and years now that just hasn’t really happened? How serious are you about it? What steps could you take if you were really serious? Maybe it’s time to talk about a coaching or consulting relationship. You’re welcome to contact me here.