Process leadership skills, part 2

If you are a consultant working with a group, this 6-part series covers 18 best practices for facilitating learning and engagement during a consultation session. To find the whole list once the series is complete, search “process leadership skills” in my blog.   Begin...

Process leadership skills, part 1

If you are a consultant working with a group, this 6-part series covers 18 best practices for facilitating learning and engagement during a consultation session. To find the whole list once the series is complete, search “process leadership skills” in my blog.   ...

Scanning the horizon for what’s changing

I happened to be talking with a friend of mine who owns a bike store. He told me that historically, Thanksgiving through Christmas was a major busy season. He barely had time to ride—it was crunch time for taking orders and assembling bikes. Now it’s different. It...

Bifocal vision

I received a significant insight just as I was entering midlife. I had gone in to see the eye doctor for a routine vision checkup. He said, “Bob, I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is your eyes are in great condition. The bad news is that in a...

The vision and the need

When we really take the time to sit down and think about it, we can see an amazing vision of what making and multiplying disciples could look like: Churches turning outward and serving the communities around them. Christians building authentic relationships with those...

What I’ve been tempted to say….

Every once in a while during consultations, I’ve been tempted to tell churches to put up a banner out front saying, “Go to hell. We don’t care.” (Full disclosure– I only actually said this once.) What circumstances might lead me to want...