If you are a consultant working with a group, this 6-part series covers 18 best practices for facilitating learning and engagement during a consultation session. To find the whole list once the series is complete, search “process leadership skills” in my blog.  

    • Begin with affirmation: Start by encouraging your group to reflect on what’s going well and what they’re doing right. They need a chance to convince you there’s no reason for you to be there. No matter what the current state of affairs, everyone needs to be able to start with some affirmation.
    • Let them take the lead: Take a posture of letting them lead while you facilitate. They are the experts on their own organization. Encourage them to celebrate what God is doing and dream about what they’d like to see him do in the future.
    • Discovery listening: The first rule of consulting is to listen. Ask follow-up questions, then listen again. Unpack completely what they have to say before giving input. Practicing discovery listening well means catching before you pitch.