Catch before you pitch

One of the mistakes leaders frequently make is that they pitch their idea or solution before they’ve prepared people to be able to respond.  Leaders often will see ahead of others that there’s a problem or need. They pre-think the solution, then gather people into a...

An outside perspective

It may be counter-intuitive, but sometimes even when you know precisely what needs to happen, it takes outside perspective to increase the leverage for change. As Jesus said, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town and in his own home” Matthew 13:57....

Directions for the future

Every few years I engage in the painful– yet ultimately rewarding and productive– process of updating my website. Now is that season. Not only am I redesigning the site, but I’m coordinating how I do my blog, tweets, and newsletters. So you’ll see some...

Changing to connect, part 2

Today’s blog entry is by guest blogger Dr. Parnell Lovelace. In order to connect to urban core of the city, our church sought to disconnect from elements that blocked impactful ministry. The church had to change to connect. Steps had to be taken to move the church...

Changing to connect

Today’s blog entry is by guest blogger Dr. Parnell Lovelace. An extraordinary trend is emerging within many urban cities and communities: churches are being planted in the urban centers of large cities in America. As many cities are redeveloping and expanding, there...