Blocks of time for priority projects

You can’t get quality work done in little drips. You need larger blocks of time. If you leave your phone one and email open when you’re working on things, you are setting yourself up for constant interruptions. Then you’re spending most of your time trying to get back...

Your ultimate contribution

When I first became a believer, I used to wonder if God might call me to give up everything and go to India or somewhere. Then I wondered what my response would be if he did call me to do that. Would I obey? Would I give up everything and go to serve him on the...

Reaping the results

We are now reaping the results of a more fragmented approach to life. Technology is wonderful—I love technology. But like everything else in a fallen world, it has its dark side if we are not careful. When we leave things on all the time, especially with...

Getting there early

One way to practice treating people with respect is by getting to appointments on time or early. When you leave for an appointment, always leave enough margin for the unexpected—which will often happen. By the same token, always bring something with you to do or to...

Investing where you see growth

Michael Gatlin, pastor of Duluth Vineyard and director of Multiply Vineyard, follows the practice of “investing where you see things growing.”  When you see a particular harvest field yielding good crops, how can you send in more workers to tend and harvest that...