The wrong people in the right places

The wrong people in the right places

One of the most important tasks of a church planter is making sure the wrong people don’t get into the right places. Many years ago when I planted my first church people would come to me and, immediately upon meeting me, they’d share all of their past church...
When less is more

When less is more

I’ve recently read a couple of fascinating blog entries by Greg McKeown, CEO of THIS Inc., a leadership and strategy design agency headquartered in Silicon Valley. I wanted to highlight a couple of his ideas here and direct you to his blog. Although written for the...
Where spiritual formation retreats meet leader gatherings

Where spiritual formation retreats meet leader gatherings

Today’s entry is by Mark Fields, National Missions Director for Vineyard USA, about his work with the Vineyard Churches of Brazil. Brazil is a large country, covering 49% of the South American continent. Consequently, it’s also a very diverse country. Southern Brazil...
The value of being positioned well

The value of being positioned well

Here’s something I heard from one of the people I’m currently coaching: If you’re standing straight on and someone pushes you, you’ll naturally go backwards. But if you were to turn sideways and someone pushes you, you’re much more stable. It’s preparation for taking...
Looking for multiple confirmations

Looking for multiple confirmations

I taught at a Vineyard conference recently and I noticed their practice of looking for multiple confirmations.  They’re not looking for just one person to say, “Hey, I think we should do x, y, or z.” They’re looking for multiple indicators pointing in the same...
For all my disappointed friends in Denver…

For all my disappointed friends in Denver…

What happens when – instead of playing to win – you play not to lose? You lose. You abandon the strategies that earned your success in the first place and you become too cautious. You don’t take a sufficient amount of risk… and it costs you. I haven’t read...