Clarifying your vision

Leaders must be able to effectively visioncast for a preferred future, and effective visioncasting—of course—starts with ourselves. In order to grow and develop our ministries in the right direction, we need to know where we’re headed. Often our best intentions are...

Planning for the unexpected

In Mexico, something seems to go significantly wrong almost every day. Miguel was one of my hosts on a recent trip. The motor mounts on his car were shot from all the speed bumps, so he got them replaced. Then the battery light came on. The next morning, the battery...

Teaching your team to listen

Relational health and harmony is extremely important when working with teams. To create and maintain that quality on your team, one of the most important skills you can learn—and teach—is to listen well. If you can learn that, then you can model good listening skills...

Five steps to leading a good meeting

Is there such a thing as a good meeting? My own definition of a good meeting is one that accomplishes what it’s supposed to accomplish. To lead that kind of a meeting, be sure to incorporate the steps below in your planning process. Decide on the purpose of the...

How to delegate

  Specifically identify what tasks need to be delegated Choose people who seem like they might become good at those tasks Say clearly what needs to be done Give them the “what” but let them develop “how” they will accomplish the task Suggest any helpful resources...

The joys of delegation

Delegation means sharing the work. We can give some of our tasks to other people. Delegating spreads the workload more evenly and also helps other people develop their skills. As people get better at their new tasks, we can also allow them to make more of the...