The challenge of the intuitive leader

The challenge of the intuitive leader

I was recently doing a consultation with a group that was working on their leadership development process. One of the key people there was a strong intuitive leader. When it came time for him to verbally express what he was doing in this area, it became apparent that...

Change starts with you

Real change and real ministry starts with the leader. That’s you. Are you doing what God would have you do? Are you serving as the hands and feet of Jesus? Is your heart broken for the poor and for the lost? If you are not living into that yourself, with your own...

The value of long-term focus

I always recommend that denominational or network leaders focus at least 20% of their time on long-term capacity. That means raising up and developing leaders, coaching leaders, creating a leadership farm system. These are the activities that increase your long-term...

Thinking multi-generationally

In a lot of my work with groups recently, I’ve noticed that one of the challenges is that a church or a movement is built on people from one generation. Then that generation gets older and there’s a gap. They’re not seeing new leaders from the next generation. I see...

The key to leadership development…

… is knowing what you’re trying to accomplish. If you want to develop leaders—and know that you’re being successful in that endeavor—you need to get more concrete and specific about what you’re aiming for. What does a leader look like? How do you know if you have one?...