Finding the Flow: small group resource is back!

Finding the Flow: small group resource is back!

Many of you know I’ve worked for years alongside with my writer, Tara Miller. She is the reason—for better or worse—that I’m as prolific as I am in my written works. For a few years, she left to work as a small groups pastor at a church. When she came back—and I’m...

Small group curricula for this fall

If you’re like many churches, fall starts off with a bang. Planning, calendaring, kids launching into the next grade levels. Likely you’re also launching some new small group studies. But consider: what do you want those studies to accomplish? What are you hoping they...

What Makes Church BIG?

Today’s entry is by guest blogger, Dr. Parnell Lovelace. I was reflecting this morning on my experience as a young child at the historic Shiloh Baptist Church in Sacramento, California. It is the oldest African American congregation west of the Rockies. In its prime...

Connect believers to a group

New believers, if they have not already connected with a group of believers before they began following Jesus, need to get involved in some type of faith community. That can be a small group, a house church, a life transformation group (LTG), a missional group–...