What are you measuring? Implementation questions

If you are implementing an initiative—in any area of ministry—you’re probably finding it hard to answer the question, “How are we doing?” Often measuring progress can be challenging. Try taking the following questions and applying them to the particular plan or...

Not defining success by outcomes

In many cases, the success of an endeavor is measured by whether it accomplishes the intended outcomes. And if the outcomes are something under your control, that’s a perfectly fine measurement to use. Yet I’ve found that in ministry, we often tie our success to...

What do people achieve through coaching?

What do people achieve through coaching? Here are a few of the types of specific endeavors I have coached people through: Focusing your life and ministry to get more done Facilitating change without getting blown up Increasing your leadership effectiveness Starting a...

What does a coaching relationship look like?

Most people who haven’t received coaching before have similar questions: What can I expect from a coaching relationship? What will it look like? To get a clear picture, let’s walk through how I structure my coaching relationships. Coaching is a relationship with a...

My approach to coaching

I love problems. Every problem contains within it the seeds of innovation and progress. With each barrier, we are challenged to rise up and create new solutions. You don’t just want to slide through life on autopilot. You want to develop and grow in your ministry,...