What will your New Year look like?

Resolutions come and go—just like new initiatives in congregations come and go. What makes them stick?  Coaching. Good intentions only take us so far. If you are ready to see real change this year… if you are ready to focus on implementation and solid steps as you...

Good intentions aren’t enough

As I reflect on my coaching and consulting work, I can see that virtually everyone has good intentions. People don’t lack for good intentions. We want to see good things happen. We want to see people get into discipleship relationships. We want to see people...
The supervision-coaching rhythm

The supervision-coaching rhythm

One of the questions people raise frequently is how you can coach those you also supervise. My observation as I’ve reflected on how people lead is they over-supervise and under-coach. Keep it separate The more you wear the supervisor hat, the more you create the...

What are you measuring? Implementation questions

If you are implementing an initiative—in any area of ministry—you’re probably finding it hard to answer the question, “How are we doing?” Often measuring progress can be challenging. Try taking the following questions and applying them to the particular plan or...

Not defining success by outcomes

In many cases, the success of an endeavor is measured by whether it accomplishes the intended outcomes. And if the outcomes are something under your control, that’s a perfectly fine measurement to use. Yet I’ve found that in ministry, we often tie our success to...